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Carroll County Special Olympics Paint Fundraiser
Twin Arch Tavern 1001 Twin Arch Rd, Mt Airy, MarylandWEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2022 AT 6:30 PM EDT Carroll County Special Olympics Paint Fundraiser Twin Arch Tavern Sign up here and join us for paint night https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0f4fada82ca3fe3-carrol
Summer Flag Football Clinics!
Carroll County Special Olympics will be having 2 flag football clinics. Come out and join us and see what flag football is all about. Dates are Saturday May 14, 2022 [...]
Designer Bag Raffle!
Facebook LiveGet your tickets and support our Carroll County Special Olympic Athletes! Tickets are 3 for $25 and you can contact Laurie at 410-236-1571 or lbrewer10@verizion.net or Lynn at 240-285-5539 or [...]